We’ve got a nice mid ticket JV invite from fellow JV Notify
Pro partner Jim McCarthy, Buzz Builders, and more … in
today’s delectable edition.
Jim McCarthy – Prometheus Strategy System – August
18th Launch
Hello, Fellow JV Notify Pro Partner.
My name is Jim McCarthy … though my name here is
probably new to you, I have 25+ years working with
Fortune 50 companies as a strategic partner, working
on multi-million do.llar campaigns, a long list of
formal credentials and on and on.
I mentioned that so you know this isn’t just another
“newbie” trying to cash in by releasing some junk/fluff
What I’d like to invite you to participate in is the
Prometheus Strategy System launch to the Internet
Marketing community Monday, August 18th .
While there’s no shortage of quality affiliate promotion
opportunities for info product launches … which of
those “others” was:
– originally developed by the U.S. Government?
– won prestigious AWARDS?
– won WARS?
– helped build BILLION do.llar companies?
This is a VERY proven system that is now, for the first
time, being made available as a thorough info-product
to the Internet Marketing community.
And it can pay you, the JVNotifyPro member, 50% of
every $197 sale and 50% of the $49 back-end. Plus,
for the first time ever (that I have seen), you’ll earn
15% list royalty!
Learn more here:
JV Notify Pro Partners, Only.
Jim McCarthy
P.S. *Very Unique*. All JV partners who sign up through
this invitation also qualify for 15% “list royalty”. In
short, it means residual income from your one time efforts.
Buzz Builders
Adis Arifagic (David Holm) – BurnFat4Dummies
.com – Launched YESTERDAY, Aug 13th
The BurnFat4Dummies is a hot (weight loss)
product aimed at two large and hungry groups
of buyers. With a high price point = Very High
Commission in This Niche!
Receive a commission up to 3x times higher
than from our competitors …
Alex Goad – Affiliate Payload – Launches August
We recruited a quarter a million dollar a month
affiliate monster and used his superior knowledge
of offers, traffic sources and tactics to create
the Payload Monster ( this is in conjunction to
our own 6 figure a month business experience).
There is so much fresh content, it could have
made 4 products and still over delivered. We’re
talking advanced PPC funneling, Pay Per View ads,
video, co-reg, incentivized offers and a whole lot
more stuff that has NEVER been touched or only
in super high ticket items …
Dylan Loh, Jerome Chapman, Sean Lowery &
Stephen Luc – JV Wealth Club – August 19th
Inside the membership, customers will get a
weekly training video, a monthly JV report, a
monthly audio interview and also a back-end
community site where they can look for Joint-
ventures or co-productions!
There will be a pre-launch contest starting 12th
August, view the video here and find out more.
Rahul Gupta – Forex Success Formula – Launches
August 21st
Forex Success Formula is one of the most
comprehensive forex trading multimedia course.
It helps the Forex traders by not only providing
a very reliable forex trading strategy that makes
huge amount of money consistently, but it also
helps them understand the importance of money
management and how it can increase the profits
Justin Koh – Urgency Offer Manager – August 26th
Urgency Offer Manager is a script that specializes in
creating urgency so that visitor/customer will buy
now instead of delaying and being a fence sitter …
Steve Clayton and Tim Godfrey – Commission Blueprint
– Launches August 27th
On the 27th August, we will be launching a
unique product called the “Commission Blueprint”.
The Commission Blueprint is a step by step course
packed with 13 videos and 5 PDFs that reveals in
precise detail the exact techniques and methodologies
we use to generate astronomical income (in the
millions of dollars) using Clickbank and Google.
This is one of the most comprehensive courses of
its kind and you can see the full details here …
Tristan Bull – Internet Marketing Uncut – Launch
September 1st
I’m going to be launching my brand new
Internet Marketing Uncut home study course
very shortly which is going to be a fantastic
opportunity for you to cash in, in a big way!
You see Internet Marketing Uncut is a full
blown video study course that is going to
retail for $1997 and the best part is I am
offering you 50% commission.
That means almost $1000 for just one single
sale you make of Internet Marketing Uncut …
Ryan Higgins – Mind Movies – September 10th
Internet Marketing Legend Frank Kern, Best
Selling Author & Star of Worldwide Hit “The
Secret” John Asaraf, and many other global
icons team up to make you buckets of easy
money …
Michael Cheney – The Golden Thread –
September 23rd Launch
Michael’s first big ticket … and his most
important project to date. Players the likes
of Shawn Casey, Ewen Chia, and Gary
Ambrose got on board just days ago …
here’s your chance to get in on the ground
floor, too.
Anik Singal, Dustin Struckman, Jeff Alderson,
Andrew Fox, Mike Mograbi, Keith Baxter,
Charles Kirkland, Jerome Chapman and other
fellow JV Notify Pro partners are waiting in the
wings … keep your eyes on your Inbox, and
follow the action in the archives:
What’s Happening @ JV Notify Pro?
JV Notify Pro Partner JV Offers And Profiles
JV Notify Pro Partner Co-Promotion Proposal Announcements
Remember my JV Marketing Golden Rule …
“Get behind your partner’s launches as passionately as
you’d like your partners to get behind yours …”
Do YOU have a new product or service launch coming
up that you’d like to invite your fellow JV Notify Pro
partners to get behind?
Note: That DOESN’T mean ‘I found your name in the
search engines’, ‘read about you in a forum’, ‘was
referred to you by So and So’, etc., decided it was
perfectly appropriate to run right to JV Notify Pro,
register, and request a premium mailing … all in 15
It means you’ve been a JV Notify Pro partner that has
actually contributed to the community, and is willing to
wait your turn … it’s not about you, it’s about US.
Please read this thread before you request a mailing …
That’s All, Folks!
To OUR Success,
Mike Merz
RSS – http://jointventures.jvnotifypro.com/feed/
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you requested to be on this email list by opting in,
therefore it is not Spam. Please use the unsubscribe
link below if you no longer wish to rece.ive these
mailings, not the Spam button.
The JV offers run in this newsletter and archived on
JVNotifyPro.Com express the opinions of the partners
that have presented them to us … and are not those
of Mike Merz, nor Internet Marketing For Newbies LLC.
Participate at your own risk.
JV Notify Pro Updates are generally mailed twice a week
… on Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday, with an
occasional Saturday edition when either there is a back
log, I screw up … or both. It is done this way to satisfy
the many premium mailing requests, while still respecting
your Inboxes by not over doing it. Thanks for your support.
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