We’ve got an exclusive JV offer from Fellow JVNotifyPro
Partners Sam Bakker, Wynne Pirini + Jit D. (FB Cash JV Invite),
A Word From Mike (JVNP2 News, Corey Lewis + Winter Valko –
Copy Paste Traffic JV), Buzz Builders (Matt Bacak + Alen
Sultanic – Mass Money Makers Launch) + More … in Today’s
FB Fan Profit Plan edition.
– Mike
Sam Bakker, Wynne Pirini + Jit D. – FB Cash Blueprint – JV Invite
Pre-Launch: Just Underway …
Launch Day: Wednesday, January 5th 2011
Hey, Fellow JVNP Partner …
Welcome To The FB Cash Launch! (Yeah!)
Together we will make FB Cash a MASSIVE launch.
Pre-Launch Start: 27 December
Launch Date: 5th January
Before I forget…we are also giving away $10,000 in Prize to
our Top partners along with mail back assurance for your
future launches .
Now let us explain briefly, why FB Cash is going to ROCK!
1. The existing products in this niches are very costly
[crowd conversion , FB evolution] so despite people wanting
to buy these products (and being presold heavily), 80% of
them could not afford it.
So we are filling the gap with a $77 product that includes all
the best information we have from our 2+ years of professional
facebook marketing consultation.
Not only will we give great content, but we have lined up
an exciting Viral Fan Page Script [N/A Anywhere else & Sold
standalone for $100] Plus a killer bonus offline consultant
training course.
2. Multiple Use of the product: We realize that not everybody
online is an offline consultant, a CPA marketer or niche
Our product has been designed for any and all online marketers
no matter what their chosen model is…
Check Out Below Who Qualifies For This Course:
i. Offline consultants who offer online services to local
This is a new trend that offers heavy residual income and ever
expanding business Opportunities. We have developed modules
that teach people how they can start the offline consultation
ii. Internet marketer’s who want to add daily subscribers to their
opt-in lists. We have many tested cool tips and technical well
tested concepts that are going to maximize their marketing
iii. Webmasters who want to create additional buzz about their
website with contests, polls, giveaways and more over facebook
to drive thousands of loyal visitors back to their sites.
We have case studies where one of our client got 40,000 fans
on facebook and 1000 additional visitors per day to his website
even before the site had even launched yet!
iv. CPA marketers: Coupon offers, auto insurance, auto warranty,
online games, home security, medical alert systema are many
offers where Jit [he owns a CPA network himself] implemented
the FB Cash system with great success. He is going to add all
his case studies inside our membership club in regular intervals.
3. Facebook is the future of online traffic as we know it.
According to CNN, Facebook traffic now tops Google and very
soon will exceed Yahoo’s combined traffic.
Customers are on Facebook!
The features provided by Facebook are amazing for all businesses
no matter what the size or type [offline or online].
From offline consultants, local hairdresser’s, plumbers,
micro-niche marketer’s to BIG CPA marketer’s, from list
building wannabies to experts! Everybody! can use Facebook
to increase their business and revenue exponentially.
4. We have a number of big marketers already on board.
After having a look at our course materials, Viral fan page
scripts and upsells we have had an overwhelmingly positive
response from friends of ours who are 6 figure marketers as
well as others we have approached.
We have completed our pre-sell videos, free case study giveaways,
free reports on how to make money from facebook fan pages [all
possible ways], how to take Facebook fan pages from 0 fans to
thousands within a matter of days.
Your subscribers are going to absolutely love it!
So, let’s start from the 27th December with a massive email
campaign with our first free content packed giveaway that is
going to attract lots of eyeballs.
FYI: We have used the latest software for this launch:
Optimize Press and contest burner to maximize your earnings
because every new optin coming from your subscribers via a
facebook ‘like’ or tweet is going to be embedded with your
affiliate link!
Lets make some crazy money.
Sam Bakker, Wynne Pirini + Jit D. – FB Cash – JV Invite
See you there!
Sam, Jit and Wynne
A Word From Mike
Corey + Winter were lost in the sauce due to all the madness
@ JVNP Headquarters trying to get JVNP 2.0/JVNewsWatch
ready for unwrapping (keep and eye on your Inbox for your
pre public access sometime during the next week), so here’s
a little shout out regarding their upcoming promotion …
Corey Lewis + Winter Valko – Copy Paste Traffic JV Invite
Hey, Fellow JVNP Partner!
Corey Lewis and Winter Valko here from CopyPasteTraffic.com
letting you know about our launch on jan 11th, 2011 @ 11:11am
(yep all the stars are aligning on this launch 1/11/11 @ 11:11am
..haha) we got $11,111.11 in prize money we’re giving out to the
top JVs and this is shaping up to be a HUGE launch!) Also we’re
totally open to reciprocating for our partners before and after
the launch so go get on our JV list and block out 1/11/11 for
CopyPasteTraffic …
Corey Lewis + Winter Valko – Copy Paste Traffic – JV Invite
Corey Lewis + Winter Valko
Buzz Builders
Launch Day Is TODAY Tuesday, December 28th, 2010
(a few days before Matt’s birthday – Dec. 31st)

Alen Sultanic + Matt Bacak want you to become
a mass money maker…and make a truck load of
cold hard cash for the beginning of the year.
These two super marketers have teamed up to
knock out what’s planned to be the biggest launch
of 2010 with many, many, many heavy hitters already
on board committed to sending monstrous amounts of
As you may already know…Matt Bacak holds the
world record for selling the most front end units in 7
days – well over 15,000 sales (and no one has came
close to beating it), plus he’s created some of the
best converting offers that have generated millions.
Alen Sultanic has created 5 killer offers this year
alone that did over $4 million in sales with the EPC
being as high as $5 NET for JV’s, and did some of
the highest selling launches last year.
On top of that they test emails and subject lines too!
That’s why these two super marketers are virtually
guaranteed to knock out a winning launch.
So, here’s where you come in, and here’s how
you become a mass money maker.
You’re exclusively invited to join the Mass Money
Maker launch and win the top dog $20,000 cash
You along with these committed industry heavy
hitters will be promoting this launch and stuffing
your clickbank accounts full of cold hard cash.
Shawn Casey, Justin Blake, Mo Latif, Rob Benwell,
Oli Tee, Steven Iser, Merlin Holmes, Tellman Kunson,
Anthony Mc Carthy, Michael Jones, Dan Kuschell,
Paul Liburd, Jason Parker, Imran & Kieran, Gary
McGeown, Chris Freville, Marc Lindsay, Jay Deiboldt
and just to name a few… ( we just got started
contacting )
We’re going to be split-testing the offer for over
a week before hand to ensure super high EPC,
and we already have a proven high converting
funnel on the back end that’s sure to make you
serious money.
So, what exactly is a “Mass Money Makers”? …
Tim Bekker + Jesse Regan – Click N Bank – JV Invite
Pre-Launch Begins: Monday, January 3rd 2011
Launch Day: Thursday, January 6th 2011 @ 10AM EST
We’ve got a new launch to ring in the New Year, and
we’d like to invite you to be a part of it.
Name: Click N Bank (Clickbank product..duh??
Date: Prelaunch Date: Jan 3rd, 4th and 5th
Launch Date: Thursday Jan 6th, 10 AM Eastern
Prelaunch Prizes: We are planning on having tons of
great JV prizes for the prelaunch, including Ipads,
Macbooks, Wii’s and many other great items.
Launch Prizes: We are going to start the year off with
a bang and dish out some huge cash prizes. We will be
giving about $25,000 in prize money to the top 15!
This will be starting out with $10,000 for 1st prize on down.
There will be no minimum sales to qualify for the prize money.
The product itself is basically going to be an automated script
that the customer (with a few clicks) can customize to their
liking and start generating income online. We expect a very
low refund rate because it will be in the same lines as Tim’s
smashing success of White Hat Copy Cat 2.
The sales page for Click N Bank will be setup in a way that
affiliates can expect extremely high conversion rates. A $37
Front end!
As many people know from Tim’s last product, White Hat
Copy Cat, even several weeks after the launch was over the
conversions were still outstanding.
After many tweaks and tests, we are very confident that
conversion rates will be even higher for Click N Bank.
Both of us (Tim Bekker and Jesse Regan) have been doing
very well on other leader boards for the past few months for
many of the top marketers out there. What we want people
to know is that if they promote for us, they can expect us to
promote for them We know that what goes around comes
around, so we will do whatever we can to help others in their
Imran S + Kieran Gill – Xtreme Traffic Arbitrage – JV Invite
Pre-Launch Begins: Thursday, January 6th 2011
Launch Day: Monday, January 10th 2011 @ 12PM EST
If you want $200 a referral, a $5,000 JV prize and
60% commission with stunning, red hot conversions,
read this short message carefully…
Imran S and Kieran Gill here with a special invitation
to watch your ClickBank account go crazy during the
launch of “Xtreme Traffic Arbitrage” on Monday 10 January.
This launch is really worth your attention so we’d be
grateful if you could give us just two minutes of your time.
If you don’t know us already we were behind the launch
of Auto Traffic Avalanche.
Thanks to the amazing support of our JV partners and our
Affiliates – Auto Traffic Avalanche broke a couple of records:
~~~ HIGHEST GRAVITY Ever Recorded on ClickBank!
~~~ 13 WEEKS At Number One In The ClickBank Marketplace!
This launch will be HUGE, and those who who get in on it
first are going to make a fortune…
Over the last few months we’ve been tapping into a secret
market which doesn’t get the attention it deserves from
online marketers.
Our NEW methods are based on FREE, highly-targeted traffic
and are insanely HIGH on profitability.
This is completely white hat and we’ve commissioned a crack
team of developers to automate our method.
There are very few products on the market which are even
remotely similar …
Tim Godfrey + Steven Clayton – The Blueprint Project : Black Edition – JV Invite
Pre-Pre-Launch Began Monday, December 20th 2010
Pre-Launch Begins: Tuesday, January 4th 2011
Launch Day: Tuesday, January 11th 2011
We are going to be doing our biggest EVER
launch on the 11th January 2011.
It’s called:
* The Blueprint Project – Black Edition *
Dates to make a note of:
Pre-Pre-Launch Goes Live: 20th December
Pre-Launch Goes Live: 4th January
Sales Page Goes Live: 11th January
Here’s why you are going to want to promote
‘The Blueprint Project – Black Edition’
– This is a very high converting product. The
previous version grossed over $4 million
in a 3 week period.
– It’s a PROVEN product that has generated
hundreds of success stories.
– You’ll get $748.50 commissions through
Clickbank. (the highest CB commission
payout EVER)
– There are huge prizes including a $50,000
Corvette Coupe and a $16,000 Limited
Edition Breitling.
– We’ll have an affiliate ‘White List’ to
drastically cut down on commission theft.
– All your pre-launch leads will be re-cookied
on launch day.
– You’ll get the majority of your commissions
paid to you within 7 – 10 days.
– We have a returns policy designed to stop
serial refunders.
This is the highest price point that Clickbank
have ever approved and because of the massive
commissions that will be paid out, all affiliates
(or more specifically their Clickbank ID’s) are
going to have to be ‘whitelisted.’
You MUST get YOUR Clickbank ID whitelisted as
soon as possible.
Do that, and find out the FULL details about
this launch, right here:
Kevin Young – Facebook Cash Generator 2.0 – JV Invite
Launch Day: Sunday, January 16th 2011
Listen. If your inbox is anything like mine, you get
nearly 30 JV requests a day. Probably more…
You see, this whole “let’s do a big launch in the
Biz Opp/IM world and make a ton of cash” thing
is starting to get old.
First, too many over-hyped launches and second,
most of them don’t even convert. Like… At all.
Like really… Any regular joe can come along, do
a “big” IM launch and make a few G’s.
But… Let me ask you this? Where’s the BIG money
in the IM and Biz Opp world?
Well, it’s all about conversion (obviously). The better
the launch converts, the more money you’ll make.
So Here’s The Deal…
I’m launching Facebook Cash Generator 2.0 on
January 16th. It’s going to be pretty cool and you’ll
make a lot of money if you promote.
Now, before you freak out because you looked at your
calendar and saw the 16th was a Sunday… Just click
the link above and I’ll explain in the video.
I’m giving out over $20K in JV prizes, cool performance
bonuses and tons of other cool “launch shenanigans.”
So… Here’s what makes this launch different than the
probably 200 others going on that month….
This thing converts like crazy… Hand down the best
copywriting I’ve ever done in my entire life.
Plus, the sales funnel is ludicrous. Like, I’m not kidding.
It’s pretty cool.
Heck, even copywriting legends like John Carlton or Dan
Kennedy would be proud.
So Here’s What I Want You To Do Next:
Dave Nayavich + Darren Salkeld – Income Infuser – JV Invite
Pre-Launch Begins: Thursday, January 13th 2011
Launch Day: Tuesday, January 18th 2011
On January 18th, 2011 – Income Infuser Goes Live!
This is already setting up to be one of the biggest
ClickBank launches to ever take place.
We’ve got some sick case-studies and a value heavy
pre-launch in place that is going to throw the EPC
into over drive come launch day.
Income Infuser is a very tight wealth building training
and membership portal powered by Kajabi.
You will earn on the front end, plus upsells and you
will have a proven residual income model feeding
you commissions month after month after month.
You’re exclusively invited to join the Income Infuser
launch and join in both the pre-launch and the official
launch contests.
With OVER $20,000 in Cash up for grabs on a high
converting model, you need to lock in right now!
*** You can expect to make up to $250 per customer
PLUS $50/mo residual commissions from ClickBank ***
Go to the JV Invite page and lock in now.
We have a kick-ass JV blog set up which will keep you
fully up to date and provide you with super high
converting promo tools.
Direct Response Copywriting Guru’s, Kevin Rogers and
Benjamin Johnson are penning EVERY word of the sales
copy, the upsells, the downsells, and the JV Promos!
…You know this WILL convert like crazy, so lock in
and make 2011 your best year ever by starting out
with HUGE conversions, commissions and prizes!
Amish Shah – Magic Bullet System Relaunch – JV Invite
Pre-Launch Begins: Thursday, January 6th 2011
Launch Day: Tuesday, January 18th 2011
This is one of the easiest ways to make money, SERIOUSLY…
Here are some reasons why:
1) $11.19 EPCs – These are proven, tested, and
REAL results. (These are some of the highest EPCs ever)
Our launch process is solid.
2) We have a launch sequence from our last launch
that the genius Frank Kern created.
(Frank will be advising us along this launch..and
you already know he gets results)
3) Andy Jenkins is on board to manage the launch
and to create those awesome videos that everyone
just has to watch.
In the last 13 months, the launches that Andy has
managed and made videos for have resulted in
$25 Million + in sales.
4) We have case studies from regular students of
our last launch making hundreds to thousands of
dollars per day.
PLUS, We’re going to give away a LIVE campaign
again so that your list can take that campaign and
make money BEFORE the cart even opens!
As you already know, this increases conversions
like crazy because we PROVE that we really “walk
the talk” and can teach them how to do the same.
Do you remember what happened last year?
We had comments of people thanking us because they
finally made some money online!
…And all this social proof of people making money
was happening in REAL-TIME while we were STILL in
pre-launch for EVERYONE to see.
So what’s in it for you?
The payout is $1,497 upfront plus up to $140 per
month on recurring commissions.
After our last launch, some of our JV’s took home
over 6 figures in commissions and made 5 figures
in monthly residual income.
Rich Martin – Breakout Traffic – JV Invite
Pre-Launch Begins: Thursday, January 13th 2011
Launch Day: Thursday, January 20th 2011
Breakout Traffic is THE opportunity you’ve been waiting for.
It’s a well known fact that traffic infoproducts are established
best sellers online & given this course’s quality, this will be a
real barnstormer.
What you get:
*More money per sale: 50% of $149 up front on Breakout
Traffic & 50% of $39 a month upsell to ImInferno.com.
$200+ in easy potential earnings.
*All transactions run through Clickbank (no new program to
sign up for).
*Conversions on steroids (You should see the letter which is
getting by the day).
*$1,700 in JV prizes (winner gets a top of the line Ipad)
*High quality product (32+ videos, 239+ PowerPoints, 4
insane video bonus’, & much more!). Your audience will
thank you for this, I guarantee it.
*Proven effective 3 part “drip launch” video series for launch
week (January 13th-20th).
*The easiest money you’ll make in 2011! Get paid month in,
month out from recurring revenue from a single promotion.
Life on easy street is here to stay.
Overall, it’ll be *extremely* profitable for everybody.
And I’d love for you to be part of it.
Until now, the launch has been kind of undercover…This is
the first major announcement about what’s happening on
January 20th.
This promises to be one of the biggest Clickbank launches
of 2011 & you’re looking at making A LOT of money.
Please, take a second & check out the affiliate center here:
Melford + Concetta Bibens – Ultimate Cash Blueprint- JV Invite
Pre-Launch Begins: Tuesday, January 18th 2011
Launch Day: Tuesday, January 25th 2011
We’ve been working around the clock to make this
product something your list will go bonkers over…
it’s called Ultimate Cash Blueprint and like our
recent high price packages (which converted like
wildfire), it’s going to be the best IM training folks
can get anywhere…
Plus… we’ve hired the hottest copywriter in IM,
Kevin Rogers and his team to write and direct the
entire launch. You’ve seen what they did with
Mobile Monopoly, Deadbeat Superaffiliate and
many more this year, so you should expect
righteous EPCs for this launch!
We have our usual cast of characters ready to knock
it out of the park on this launch…
Mo Latif, Tom Bell, Chris McNeeney, Steve Iser
Letian Liu, Cindy Batte, Jay Deiboldt, Imran Sadiq,
Tim Bekker, Gary Ambrose, Shawn Casey, Rob
Benwell, Oli Tee, Matt Benwell, Steven Johnson,
Cindy Battye, Justin Blake, Jay Deiboldt, Imran
Sadiq, Tim Bekker, Glen Hopkins, Alen Sultanic,
Javan Robinson, Matt Bacak, Dan Briffa, Lanty Paul,
Jeff Paul, Paul Liburd (sense a trend?) Jonny Andrews,
Steven Lee Jones, Mark Shay, Bill McRea, Hollis Carter,
Fabian Tan, Alvin Huang, Jerome Chapman, Corey
Lewis, Desmond Ong, Mike Long, Ryan Deiss, Reed
Floren, Mick Moore, Ryan Bessling, Edmund Loh,
Charles Kirkland, Simon Cad, Paul Ponna, Eric
Rockefeller, Michael Beeson, Jason Gazaway, Jani G,
Michael Edwards, Chris Cobb, John Hostler, Hitesh
Juneja, Greg Wood, Adeel and Bobby, Alan Magliocca,
Marc Lindsay, Ian Ross, Reed Floren, Antonio Guiditta
(funniest accent in IM), Adam Horwitz & Tim Donavan
Eric Rockefeller, Huey Lee, Harris Fellman, Jeff Mills,
Craig Davidson, Michael Jones, Travis Stephenson
Fabian Tan, & Paul Walker…
… and who knows who else might have a swing by to
make a pile of dough!
So in a nutshell:
Yep…UCB is going to convert like fire!
Yep…you’ll make fat cash with a 60% payout!
Yep…You’ll get over-the-top support from us!
Yep…There will be huge JV cash prizes!
Yep…We want to you to send us your bonuses so YOU
can make sales for your own products off of our launch!!
Etch this date in stone…or at least write in your calendar
right now…
Brandon Scott (With Desmond Ong) – Auto Cash Hijack – JV Invite
Pre-Launch Begins: Saturday, January 22nd 2011
Launch Day: Thursday, January 27th 2011
I know you’re busy so let me just cut to
the chase…
If you are looking for a launch to promote
that fits these criteria:
– High EPC
– High, proven conversion
– Proven, low refund rate
– Happy customers who appreciate you
for sending them over
– Long term continuity commission
Then, I have a launch that I want to introduce
to you …
My last launched paid out almost $60,000 in just
one week to JVs and our top JV banked
in over $14k in just 4 days!
Auto Cash Hijack launch is a winner and every
one of my JV partners who promoted my
last launch know this…
We already have some of the big boys on board like
Mike Auton, Jani G., Dylan Loh, Paul Liburd, Steven Lee
Jones, Matt Benwell, Mark Shay, Imran S & Kieran Gill,
Winter Valko, Corey Lewis and many more!
I will see you on the other side… 😉
George Brown – Google Sniper 2.0 – JV Invite
Pre-Launch Begins: Friday, February 4th 2011
Launch Day: Monday, February 14th 2011
And after 3 consecutive 7 figure Clickbank
launches I’m looking to make this launch
my absolute biggest ever…
The original Google Sniper was CB #1
for 5 weeks straight and has sold over
10,000 copies…
It was one of the best converting and
highest quality products to ever hit CB.
And now, finally, just over a year since
its release, I’m proud to *finally* announce
the sequel.
Bigger and better in just about every way.
Google Sniping is now easier and more powerful
than ever, and I’ve made massive additions to
the overall system which people are going to LOVE.
OK. The products wonderful but as always, it
doesn’t stop there.
$67 front end, optional continuty, full upsell/
downsell tree etc AND…
This is the best sales letter I’ve ever
wrote. Period. And when my last launch had
AVERAGE EPC(across ALL traffic) of: $3.15
You can bet you’re going to make a fortune
again here.
Also, I’ve got what’s without a doubt the
most crazy prizes I’ve ever cooked up.
And I promise that the trip will be the absolute
trip of a lifetime for anyone who makes the top #3.
Let the madness begin
Steve Iser – Commission Crusher – JV Invite
Launch Day: Tuesday, February 15th 2011 @ 2PM EST
Here’s what’s going on:
I’m coming to Clickbank with one of the
first huge launches of 2011… with
many, many heavy hitters already on board
and committed to send monstrous amounts
of traffic.
And I want to have your support and commitment
on board for this launch as well – and here’s
You, along with just some of these committed
heavy-hitters will be on board this launch for
cold hard cash:
Shawn Casey, Mo Latif, Matt Bacak, Alen Sultanic,
Zac McGrath, Philip Mansour, Melford Bibens,
Steven Johnson, Dylan Loh, Letian Liu, Jeff Dedrick,
Jeff Alderson, just to name a few… (and many,
many more).
We’re split-testing the offer and have a KILLER
copywriter on board, Mike Williams (Massive Passive
Profits) so you know that if you promoted that
offer, then this will be another sure-fire winner
EPC-wise for you.
To find out about Commission Crusher, the cash
prizes over $15,000, and everything else,
just see the exclusive invite page below …
It’s a proven winner that’ll add HUGE commissions
to your Clickbank bottomline.
Go and sign up now – and I’ll be in touch with
you personally soon.
Let’s CRUSH it!
John Hostler, Mike Merz + Mike Merz Jr., Eben Pagan,
Rob Rammuny, Aaron Darko, Curtis Ng + Daniel Tan
+ other fellow JVNotifyPro partners are waiting in the
wings … keep your eyes on your Inbox, and follow the
action in the archives:
“Hey, Mike … I really appreciate the combination of Fellow
Partner + Popular JV Invites you offer in the JVNP Update, but
how can I get on board Popular JV launches that are available
to get on board but didn’t make the latest mailing like the highly
anticipated offerings from Kelvin Houghton, Jason Johnson +
Jani G, Matt Benwell, Steven Johnson, Jared Croslow, Michael
Cheney, Ray Johnson and others?”
JV Notify Pro JV Launch Calendar
JV Notify Pro JV Announcement Blogs
JV Notify Pro New Product Launches – December 2010
JV Notify Pro Partner JV Offers And Profiles
JV Notify Pro Partner Co-Promotion Proposal Announcements
Submit Your Joint Venture Marketing Articles
Remember my JV Marketing Golden Rule …
“Get behind your partner’s launches as passionately as
you’d like your partners to get behind yours …”
Do YOU have a new product or service launch coming
up that you’d like to invite your fellow JV Notify Pro
partners to get behind”
Note: That DOESN’T mean ‘I found your name in the
search engines’, ‘read about you in a forum’, ‘was
referred to you by So and So’, etc., decided it was
perfectly appropriate to run right to JV Notify Pro,
register, and request a premium mailing … all in 15
It means you’ve been a JV Notify Pro partner that has
actually contributed to the community, and is willing to
wait your turn … it’s not about you, it’s about US.
Please read this thread before you request a mailing …
That’s All, Folks!
To OUR Success,
Mike Merz
RSS – http://jointventures.jvnotifypro.com/feed/
The reason you are receiving this mailing is because
you requested to be on this email list by opting in,
therefore it is not Spam. Please use the unsubscribe
link below if you no longer wish to receiv.e these
mailings, not the Spam button.
The JV offers run in this newsletter and archived on
JVNotifyPro.Com express the opinions of the partners
that have presented them to us … and are not those
of Mike Merz, nor Internet Marketing For Newbies LLC.
Participate at your own risk.
Either Mike Merz or Internet Marketing For Newbies LLC
may be paid a fee by the merchants offering JV invitations
for sales made by partners referred into their respective
programs via JVNotifyPro.com. The fee is simply referral
compensation, and does not represent either Mike Merz
or Internet Marketing For Newbies LLC being involved
in a business relationship with merchants using this
service beyond that of JV announcement and referral,
aside from constructive advice offered on a merchant
request basis in regards to best utilizing the services
offered by JVNotifyPro.com. The publicly accessible
version of the JVNotifyPro Update posted on the blog
at jointventures.jvnotifypro.com may include affiliate
links that should result when purchased through in
compensation for either Mike Merz or Internet Marketing
For Newbies LLC for the sale as an affiliate partner … with
no further association to the merchant existing unless
otherwise mentioned.
JV Notify Pro Updates are generally mailed twice a week
… on Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday, with an
occasional Saturday edition when either there is a back
log, I screw up … or both. It is done this way to satisfy
the many premium mailing requests, while still respecting
your Inboxes by not over doing it. Thanks for your support.
Powered By http://www.JVListPro.Com
Sam Bakker Wynne Pirini Jit D FB Cash JV Invite Corey Lewis Winter Valko Copy Paste Traffic Matt Bacak Alen Sultanic Mass Money Makers Mike Merz JVNotifyPro JVListPro Affiliate Programs Joint Ventures JV Announcement New Product Launches