We’ve got a ground floor JV invite from our own Craig
Beckta, Buzz Builders, and more … in today’s that’s
what I’m talkin’ about edition.
Craig Beckta – Secret Affiliate Code launches June 17th.
Craig here … from the Secret Affiliate Code.
With 29 days to go until “D Day” the following JV”s are
already on board the Secret Affiliate Code launch …
Willie Crawford, Eric Rockefeller, Alok Jain, Rob Benwell,
Charles Kirkland, and a handful of others … this is ground
Promoting The Secret Affiliate Code is a great opportunity
for you, for 3 HUGE reasons:
The Secret Affiliate Code is a hot product aimed at two
large and hungry groups of buyers.
1) a) Total Newbies – SAC puts the power into the
“newbie’s” hand. The playing field is finally level. And no,
this isn’t some underground black hat stuff.
We’re talking about free and cheap ways to have a fair
shot even if you’re not one of the big-shot affiliates.
b) “Novice Marketers – SAC re-invents the whole process!
So not only will complete idiots be able to make mo.ney
with this system, but even the current mo.ney makers can
get in on the latest and greatest ways to increase sales
without spending more money.
2) SAC JV’s will be sending their list to a buzz-worthy,
high-impact sales letter. I was able to book “Millionaire
Maker” Vin Montello to write it. And it’s one of the best
he’s ever done.
If you don’t know Vin, you’ve certainly promoted his work.
He’s one of the Big boys who writes for Chris X among
other noted marketers. Vin also wrote Project Black
Mask’s sales letter which sold over 4,000 copies at $77.
Vin’s last 3 sales letters converted up to 16% and
sucked in more than 2 million dollars!
Let me tell you, this copy is hot! That means you send
traffic to it… you make money. It’s that simple.
3) Also, social proof of 6k in one week from free traffic…
This means crazy conversions are imminent. There is
nothing like social proof to stir things up.
The quality and quantity of the material is unbeatable so
refunds are likely to be low, and you’re your buyers will
come away very pleased. The Secret Affiliate Code is a
151 e-book with 10 Videos revealing all my affiliate secrets…
The package also includes 2 hours of bonus audio
interviews and pdf transcripts with Alex Goad, Willie
Crawford, Eric Rockefeller and Charles Kirkland.
To top it all off Vin and I have also created a unique
marketing strategy…There is a secret code on the Secret
Affiliate Code sales page that knocks $20 off the $67
purchase price… Sign up to the JV list for more information
on what is shaping up to be one of the biggest launches
in 2008…
I highly recommend that you join the JV pre-launch list,
wait for Vin’s pre-launch email templates, “KILLER STUFF”
and enjoy the INSANE conversions on Launch day.
Sign up right now for the Secret Affiliate Code JV so
that you and I can count our money together…
Craig Beckta
Buzz Builders
Matt Haslem – Op.tIn Accelerator Re-Launch
June 10th
Matt Haslem will be relaunching the secret viral
list building tool that myspace & facebook has
been using to grow their sites out of control …
Michael Rasmussen, Chris Freville, Costa Dedes,
Ric Thompson, Mike Mograbi, Keith Baxter,
Charles Kirkland, Jerome Chapman and other
fellow JV Notify Pro partners are waiting in the
wings … keep your eyes on your Inbox, and
follow the action in the archives:
What’s Happening @ JV Notify Pro?
JV Notify Pro Partner JV Offers And Profiles
JV Notify Pro Partner Co-Promotion Proposal Announcements
Remember my JV Marketing Golden Rule …
“Get behind your partner’s launches as passionately as
you’d like your partners to get behind yours …”
Do YOU have a new product or service launch coming
up that you’d like to invite your fellow JV Notify Pro
partners to get behind?
Note: That DOESN’T mean ‘I found your name in the
search engines’, ‘read about you in a forum’, ‘was
referred to you by So and So’, etc., decided it was
perfectly appropriate to run right to JV Notify Pro,
register, and request a premium mailing … all in 15
It means you’ve been a JV Notify Pro partner that has
actually contributed to the community, and is willing to
wait your turn … it’s not about you, it’s about US.
Please read this thread before you request a mailing …
That’s All, Folks!
To OUR Success,
Mike Merz
RSS – http://jointventures.jvnotifypro.com/feed/
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JV Notify Pro Updates are generally mailed twice a week
… on Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday, with an
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