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  • We’ve got an exclusive JV Invite from Fellow JV Notify Pro
    Partner Eric Rockefeller (Quick Cash Concept JV Invite),
    Buzz Builders (Chris Freville – Internet Marketing Empire
    Launch, Ryan Deiss –  Perpetual Traffic Formula + Mark
    Lyford – Millionaire Profit Secrets Pre-Launches), A Word
    From Mike (JVNotifyPro 2.0/JVNewsWatch Update) and
    More … in Today’s From Concept To Cash edition.

    – Mike

    Eric Rockefeller –  Quick Cash Concept JV Invite
    Launch Day: Friday, August 20th 2010
    Digg Eric Rockefeller -  Quick Cash Concept JV Invite!

    Hey, Fellow JVNotifyPro Partner.

    I need your help to crush my first clickbank
    launch in 2 years and that was #1 and over
    $350,000 gross sales…

    I’m sure we can beat that…

    Quick Cash Concept will break down affiliate
    methods for building lists fast, making commissions
    quickly and basically leaving the learning curve

    I’ll be teaching how to forget about keywords…and
    advertise to demographics only using image ads
    in 4 networks.

    It will be low end offer with a few upsells the first
    one being a reoccurring offer.

    The details are not totally set in stone yet…but it
    will be tested copy and the product will over deliver
    I can promise you that…

    All the major players will be on board and I hope
    you’ll come out and play too…

    Sign up here

    Eric Rockefeller –  Quick Cash Concept JV Invite




    Buzz Builders

    Chris Freville – Internet Marketing Empire JV Invite
    Launch Day Is TODAY Tuesday, July 20th 2010, 12pm EST
    Digg Chris    Freville - Internet  Marketing Empire JV Invite!

    Internet Marketing Empire is going to make you
    a LOT OF MONEY and here’s why…

    Reason #1:

    Insane Conversions – Salesletter and upsells written
    by a real A-lister copywriter with SEVERAL Clickbank
    Numbers One’s to his name! We’re also carrying out an
    Internal launch to TEST everything and really tweak
    those conversions into DOUBLE FIGURES!

    Hint: How many marketers actually test their copy
    before launching?

    Reason #2:

    BIG Commissions – Earn up to $800 per sale!
    Front end priced at $197. Upsells at $397 and $997
    of which you get 50% of EVERYTHING!
    We’re also looking to add a back-end monthly
    recurring membership to make sure you get paid
    continuously for months to come!

    Reason #3:

    In-Demand Product – I surveyed my list extensively
    before creating the ULTIMATE product for Internet
    Marketers! HUGE product covering every aspect of
    how to build your own Internet Marketing Empire
    including a Fast Start Guide to get money into your
    customers pockets in the quickest time possible!
    Its the best IM product I’ve ever created and its
    easily worth $497+

    You can see all the details here …


    Sean Clark – SlideInCode JV Invite
    Pre-Launch Begins: Wednesday July 21st 2010
    Launch Date: Tuesday, July 27th 2010 – 12pm Noon EST
    Digg Sean                Clark - SlideInCode JV Invite!

    Firstly, thank you for taking the time to read this exclusive
    JV Invite; this is a launch you will not want to miss out on
    for very good reasons:

    1. It’s a new & innovative service that people want and
    2. Sky-High conversions, 50% commissions and Residual
    3. A script purpose-built for this launch to double your
    traffic on autopilot!

    So what is SlideInCode?

    SlideInCode targets Internet and affiliate marketers and
    anybody that owns a website or blog. Our powerful SlideIn
    Technology increases and maximizes conversions, from
    existing web traffic, into subscribers, sign ups, twitter
    followers and most importantly – sales.

    Our clients will be able to create a Lead Generation SlideIn,
    to build an even bigger list; create a Twitter SlideIn to boost
    their twitter followers list, AND increase traffic to their site
    on a viral level; and to create a Banner SlideIn to promote their
    products or other products as an affiliate.

    You can check out live examples that I currently use on my
    own websites, which convert 20-30% of my traffic into leads,
    on the JV Invite page…but fist let me tell you about the
    commissions! …


    Pawan Agrawal – MaxBlogPress: Subscribers Magnet JV Invite
    Pre-Launch Commenced Tuesday, July 6th 2010
    Launch Day: Tuesday, July 27th 2010
    Digg Pawan           Agrawal - MaxBlogPress: Subscribers Magnet JV Invite!

    For those of you who are not familiar with MaxBlog or myself,
    we are well know in the industry for Best Selling plugins such
    as Affiliate Ninja, Stripe Ad, Unblockable Pop up and many

    Our existing Affiliate Database includes many of the Top

    The “Subscriber Magnet” is an Incredible Optin Plugin that
    takes  list building with WordPress to the Next Level!

    The Subscribers Magnet Plugin is filled with cutting edge
    features like “Auto-Fill” (your website visitors name and
    email are pre-populated when they arrive to your site and
    Silent Subscribe..PURE Ninja! You can see all of this in
    action via the JV Invite.

    As with any new plugin MaxBlog releases…this is destine
    to become another Featured WordPress Plugin and Best

    The Product:  “Subscribers Magnet”
    Pre-Launch: July 6th
    Launch Day: July 27th

    Earn Round The Clock Commissions
    ….All Year Round!

    Front End $97 ($67 During Launch Week) ClickBank – 55%

    Earn $53.35 Per Sale.. make just 10 Sales per day =
    $192,727.5 Per Year in Extra Cash

    Get all of the details Here …


    Mark Ling – AffiloJetpack JV Invite
    Pre-launch Commenced Tuesday, June 29th
    Launch Day: Tuesday, July 27th 12 PM EST 2010
    Digg  Mark      Ling - AffiloJetpack JV Invite JV Invite!

    Here are the important launch details…

    Launch Information

    * Pre-launch start date: Tuesday, 29th June EDT (that’s
    4 weeks prior to the launch day. All leads are re-cookied
    in each prelaunch and launch email that goes out to ensure
    that you get full credit for customers referred).
    * Launch date: Tuesday, 27th July at 12pm EDT
    * Launch week ends: 3rd of August at midnight EDT
    * Product price and commission:
    o  $497 (50% commission)
    o Upsell prices to be:
    o One time offer 1: $397 (50% commission)
    o One time offer 2: Only offered if one time offer 1 is not
    taken, $1 trial, rebills at $67/month (50% commission)
    * Upsells and tracking: All tracking is via Clickbank.com, so
    you can be 100% sure you will get ALL your sales credited
    and paid out on time.
    * Prizes: Huge $$ prizes to be won (details below!)

    About AffiloJetpack

    In a nutshell, AffiloJetpack is a collection of super high-quality,
    done-for-you websites. And when I say “high quality”, I mean
    REALLY high quality. Higher quality than anything I’ve ever
    seen before.

    Buyers receive …


    Mark Lyford – Millionaire Profit Secrets JV Invite
    Pre-Launch Begins TODAY Tuesday, July 20th3, 12pm EST
    Launch Day: Tuesday, July 27th 2010, 12pm EST
    Digg Mark    Lyford - Millionaire Profit Secrets JV Invite!

    This product combines my story of how I went from nothing,
    to making millions of dollars in recurring income a year then
    to a jail cell and what I have been doing to pay my $400,000
    of debts off and make a million dollars a year again.

    My story is 100% true and I have a following of people who
    know I’m real. I started making $5000 a month within 4
    months of getting out of jail and I hit $15,000 in month 6.

    This is a real back story and people love it. It helps people
    realize anyone can do it.

    So What is Millionaire Profit Secrets?

    Millionaire Profit Secrets is a full blueprint of exactly what I
    have done in the last 8 months to start making money online.

    In addition I have made some pretty assume connections in
    the last 8 months and I have persuaded people to contribute
    great quality content to this product.

    These people include: Chris Cobb, Chris Freville, Ciaron Doyle,
    Jani G, JP Schoefel, Phil Henderson, Shaqir Hussyin, Simon
    Coulson, Simon Hogkinson, Sohail Khan, Steve Essa, Trevor
    Crook & Matt Garrett. All these guys are going to be featured
    in the sales copy and linked into my success story.

    I have Jani G helping me out with the product launch.
    I’m going to be offering a webinar series as part of this product
    which your customers will love as it helps them every step of
    the way. This is a real no BS product showing people what I
    have done in the 8 months I have been working back online.

    This is real world content that actually works!

    Bottom Line? Sending your customers to this offer will turn
    into cash!

    Additional details and JV registration …


    Ryan Deiss –  Perpetual Traffic Formula JV Invite
    Pre-launch Commenced Monday, July 19th 2010
    Launch Day: Wednesday, July 28th 2010
    Digg Ryan  Deiss - Perpetual Traffic Formula JV Invite!

    My brand new traffic system “Perpetual Traffic Formula” starts
    pre-launch this Monday July 19th. Burn that date into your
    brain now!

    I’ll guarantee you this is going to be HUGE! My team and I
    have spent 18 months devising and back-testing the only
    system in the World that can produces FREE organic traffic
    from Google on demand.

    The first piece of pre-launch content ” The Perpetual Traffic
    Report” is over 40 pages long and explains the whole process.

    This is EXACTLY how I am getting 100% of my FREE traffic
    to my niche sites. It’s simple and it uses Google’s own tools
    against them.

    The pre-launch content is RIDICULOUS!

    #1. My 40 page “Perpetual Traffic Report” FREE!

    #2. My $10,000 custom programmed software called “Cherry
    Picker” that lasar targets weak competitors FREE!

    #3. “The Authority Codes” My list of secret Google codes for
    grabbing .gov and .edu links that send your site to the moon
    in hours. FREE!

    Plus a ton more…


    Adam Horwitz – Mobile Monopoly JV Invite
    Pre-launch Begins: Tuesday, July 27th 2010 12PM EST
    Launch Day: Tuesday, August 3rd 2010 12PM EST
    Digg Adam       Horwitz - Mobile Monopoly JV Invite!

    It’s Adam Horwitz from Cell Phone Treasure, Tycoon Cashflow, 
    Dude I Hate My Job!

    In case you haven’t heard of me before now, my products have been
    quietly reaching triple digit gravity on ClickBank… and this is
    my first big launch.

    You may have heard that mobile marketing is the next wave of easy
    money online… and I can back that up with a steady 6 months of
    campaigns and rock solid results.

    And now I’ve created the first mobile marketing system backed by
    proven results on what’s working RIGHT NOW.

    Here’s why we’re so excited about this product:

    There are currently 5 billion cell phone users worldwide… and 
    million of them are using smart phones.

    That’s 51 million potential buyers actively engaged in the next
    wave of ecommerce…. and we’ve got the proven system for making
    money with mobile right now.

    We’ve got massive value content for you to give away in pre-launch
    … we’ve hired one of the best copywriters on ClickBank, Kevin
    Rogers and his team, to write the campaign.  Their stuff converts
    like mad.

    (Kevin is the same dude that wrote the copy for Clickbank #1’s
    Zero Friction Marketing and he’s teqmed with Ben Johnson, who
    wrote the recent #1 sales letter for Confidential Conversions.)

    And best of all we’re paying as much as $200 a sale for anyone who
    gets on board. We’ve killed it as a JV in the Philip Mansour’s
    Confidential Conversions launch coming in third place, so we know
    the game and we’re all about you making the most money possible.
    (That was my first mailing for a launch too!) …


    Tim Godfrey + Steven Clayton – Info Prodigy JV Invite
    Pre-launch Begins: Monday, August 2nd 2010
    Launch Date: Monday, August 9th 2010
    Digg Tim     Godfrey + Steven Clayton - Info Prodigy JV Invite!

    Info Prodigy reveals the exact process we have
    used to make millions of dollars online selling
    information… in both IM and Non-IM markets.

    In addition, we have teamed up with Kate Anderson
    for this project who has created and sold over
    300 information products and has also created
    ENTIRE courses for many internet marketing gurus
    and experts, some of whom will probably be reading!

    You can get the full details about the launch
    through the link below, however, here is a quick

    Pre-launch will begin on the 2nd of August and
    will come in the form of 2 videos specifically
    designed to get people pumped about the launch.

    The second video will be released on the 5th
    and will be accompanied by a really cool report
    which you can get access to below.

    Then we go live on the 9th… and then will be
    closing the course completely on the 16th which
    will force potential buyers into action and in
    turn create MASSIVE commissions for you.

    In terms of commissions, they will be up to $300
    per sale through Clickbank which obviously means
    that you will be paid extremely fast!

    We also have a $20,000 JV Competition With
    Additional Cash Prizes Of $1000 For Partners
    Making Sales Within The First 48 Hours Of
    Launch!! …


    Steven Johnson & Steven James – Online Income Flood JV Invite
    Launch Day:  Tuesday, August 10th 2010
    Digg Steven             Johnson + Steven James - Online Income Flood JV Invite!

    Earn up to $248.50 for every lead you send to our website!

    This product launch will make you lots of money for

    1.) Making Money Online Products have been blowing
    up the IM marketplace!
    2.) Lots Of Hungry Buyers!

    There are over 1,000,000+ searches being conducted
    globally, on a monthly basis by people who are looking
    to make money online!

    This is where you will be able to tap in and instantly
    cash in with this product launch.

    Online Income Flood is an awesome product that
    looks, feels and delivers like a solid $1997 high ticket
    product but instead it is being sold at $497 on the
    frontend with multiple upsells and downsells…


    Kieran Gill and Imran S – Auto Traffic Avalanche JV Invite
    Launch Day: Thursday, August 19th 2010
    Digg Kieran        Gill + Imran S - Auto Traffic Avalanche JV Invite!

    Who else wants $200 a referral, a $5,000 JV prize and
    60% commission with stunning, red hot conversions?

    Sign up as a JV partner and join the likes of Chris X,
    Steven Lee Jones, Andrew X, Mo Latif, Adeel Chowdhry
    & Bobby Walker, Ewen Chia, Rob Benwell, George
    Brown, Michael Jones, Keith Wellman, Cindy & Soren,
    Melford & Concetta, Jonny Andrews, Steven Johnson,
    Chris Freville, Jani G, Dylan Loh and 30 other household
    names who are on board.

    Who are we? … and why are we attracting so much

    We were both the secret insiders of Chris X’s monster
    launch of Affiliate X.

    If you’ve heard of Chris X, you’ll know that he’s massacred
    ClickBank with as many as 5 #1s to his name.

    We unleashed our methods earlier this year. Imran
    launched the now household Twitter software:
    Tweetomatic Profiteer.

    Off the back of just three JV promotions, Tweetomatic
    propelled to and stayed at Number 2 in the ClickBank
    marketplace  for several weeks. Conversions were
    stunning (a sale for every 8 hops at launch) and the
    product itself lived up to the promise and hype.

    Kieran then launched his own insanely profitable 9to5
    Annihilation which again converted impressively and
    continues to rapidly gather pace.

    Here’s what Chris X has to say about him:

    “He is the future of SEO, my secret weapon, and the
    one guy who I trust in a sea of BS, smoke and mirrors.

    Now that we’re teaming up you can expecting two things:
    *crazy* conversions and a *jaw-dropping* product…


    Bill McRea + Mike Williams –  Never Fail Listbuilding System JV
    Pre-launch Begins: Monday, August 16th 2010
    Launch Day: Tuesday, August 24th 2010
    Digg Bill   McRea + Mike Williams -  Never Fail Listbuilding System JV Invite!

    I’m Bill McRea along with Mike Williams.

    And we’re about to raise the bar for everyone.

    We’ve quietly paid out millions to our JVs in the past 18


    Because we don’t screw around.

    We ONLY create offers the market is already demanding.

    And we’re about to release our crown jewel.

    The Never Fail Listbuilding system is the product every
    newbie has been dreaming of since Al Gore invented the

    Here’s what NFLB is all about:

    1. A brand new, free listbuilding system that truly does
    run on autopilot.

    2. The system will generate the customer’s first new lead
    he same day they purchase. Guaranteed.

    3. It’s a method I’ve successfully used for 11 months to
    add over 300 responsive new leads per day to my lists.


    4. It is completely original. I discovered this traffic source
    myself. Nobody is teaching it.

    5. Plug and play tools and step-by-step vidoes make it a
    complete no-brainer. Leave your techie skills at home.

    Additional info, contact details, registration + more …



    A Word From Mike

    JVNotifyPro 2.0/JVNewsWatch Update

    Well … the Major upgrade I’ve been promising you since
    the beginning of LAST year is finally near completion,
    the technical end practically done for both sites, waiting
    on finalization of data migration, graphics, ClickBank
    approval, other compliance and some start up content
    … you should be getting the OK to kick the tires within
    the next 2 weeks, so please be on the look out.

    Please forgive us … for the forum spam and difficulty for
    some new partners in getting approved. We’re staying
    on top of these issues as best we can … they’ll be a thing
    of the past in the very near future. Wink




    Sara Young, Dan Brock, Chris Cobb, Tim Bekker,
    Mo Latif, George Brown + Andrew X, and other
    fellow JV Notify Pro partners are waiting in the wings
    … keep your eyes on your Inbox, and follow the action
    in the archives:



    What’s Happening @ JV Notify Pro?

    JV Notify Pro JV Launch Calendar

    JV Notify Pro JV Announcement Blogs

    JV Notify Pro New Product Launches – July 2010

    JV Notify Pro Partner JV Offers And Profiles

    JV Notify Pro Partner Co-Promotion Proposal Announcements

    Submit Your Joint Venture Marketing Articles

    NEED JV Related Services

    PROVIDE JV Related Services


    Remember my JV Marketing Golden Rule …

    “Get behind your partner’s launches as passionately as
    you’d like your partners to get behind yours …”

    Do YOU have a new product or service launch coming
    up that you’d like to invite your fellow JV Notify Pro
    partners to get behind”

    Note: That DOESN’T mean ‘I found your name in the
    search engines’, ‘read about you in a forum’, ‘was
    referred to you by So and So’, etc., decided it was
    perfectly appropriate to run right to JV Notify Pro,
    register, and request a premium mailing … all in 15

    It means you’ve been a JV Notify Pro partner that has
    actually contributed to the community, and is willing to
    wait your turn … it’s not about you, it’s about US.

    Please read this thread before you request a mailing …



    That’s All, Folks!

    To OUR Success,

    Mike Merz

    RSS – http://jointventures.jvnotifypro.com/feed/

    The reason you are receiving this mailing is because
    you requested to be on this email list by opting in,
    therefore it is not Spam. Please use the unsubscribe
    link below if you no longer wish to receiv.e these
    mailings, not the Spam button.

    The JV offers run in this newsletter and archived on
    JVNotifyPro.Com express the opinions of the partners
    that have presented them to us … and are not those
    of Mike Merz, nor Internet Marketing For Newbies LLC.

    Participate at your own risk.

    Either Mike Merz or Internet Marketing For Newbies LLC
    may be paid a fee by the merchants offering JV invitations
    for sales made by partners referred into their respective
    programs via JVNotifyPro.com. The fee is simply referral
    compensation, and does not represent either Mike Merz
    or Internet Marketing For Newbies LLC being involved
    in a business relationship with merchants using this
    service beyond that of JV announcement and referral,
    aside from constructive advice offered on a merchant
    request basis in regards to best utilizing the services
    offered by JVNotifyPro.com. The publicly accessible
    version of the JVNotifyPro Update posted on the blog
    at jointventures.jvnotifypro.com may include affiliate
    links that should result when purchased through in
    compensation for either Mike Merz or Internet Marketing
    For Newbies LLC for the sale as an affiliate partner … with
    no further association to the merchant existing unless
    otherwise mentioned.

    JV Notify Pro Updates are generally mailed twice a week
    … on Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday, with an
    occasional Saturday edition when either there is a back
    log, I screw up … or both. It is done this way to satisfy
    the many premium mailing requests, while still respecting
    your Inboxes by not over doing it. Thanks for your support.

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