We’ve got an exclusive JV Offer from Fellow JVNotifyPro Partners
Travis Stephenson + Kris McCarty (Instant Online Paycheck JV
Invite), Buzz Builders (Brandon Scott + Desmond Ong : Auto
Cash Hijack Launch, Sean Donahoe : Video Marketing GoldMine
Pre-Launch) + More … in Today’s Cash In A Flash edition.
– Mike
Travis Stephenson + Kris McCarty : Instant Online Paycheck
JV Invite
Launch Day: Tuesday, February 22nd 2011
Hey, Fellow JVNP Partner!
We’re all looking for something different these days, something
that won’t refund at 30%, something that will get us LONG term
EPC’s, and something that will give our traffic great value and
just converts because the deal is SO incredible it can’t be past
up …
Well, that’s where we come in!
On February 22nd we are launching Instant Online Paycheck
We’ve been working hard behind the scenes watching EVERY
launch that’s come out in the last 6 months. We’ve taken
some of the best features of all of those launches and created
We’ve studied conversion, we’re currently testing 20 variables
(send me an email and I’ll show you), and are really doing just
about everything that can be done to make this launch
something to look up to.
But the maximum benefit in this launch will be for you …
The affiliate partners that decide to push aside promoting all
the other launches for a couple days and really focusing on this
incredible opportunity.
Let me explain …
Ok, so now only will the sales letter convert… just flat out
convert… but also we are taking a spin on the downsell. Instead
of just giving them the same product for less money… we are
actually going to offer then the original product PLUS all of the
upsells for a higher price! I know it sounds crazy, but we’ve
tested it and it works. So that means, a normal sales letter
might convert at 5% so 95% of the people who visit will leave…
well we’re looking to grab another 5% on the downsell and at a
higher price!
So I guess… you could call it an upsell…
Altogether, with the way this program is designed we are going
to maximize your EPCs.
Take a look at our JV page for a more in depth look into how the
sales funnel will work… I’m sure you’ll be seeing more of this in
the future when people catch on to how awesome the EPC’s are.
February 22nd – 2011
Travis Stephenson + Kris McCarty : Instant Online Paycheck
JV Invite
Look, I’m not going to say that we’re going to have the biggest
launch of the year, or that it’ll be any kind of record setter…
but with your help I sure would love to make that statement
afterwards ..
Also, for those of you that can only send 5-10 sales… We’re going
to sweeten the deal for you in the prizes. We’re going to be
giving away $500 to every 500’th sale, so just for generating 1
sale you could get an instant paypal transfer of $500!
For those of you that put on the bigger numbers… we got you
covered too… how does $10,000 sound to the #1 All-Star JV for
the week? On top of the EPC’s from our sales funnel, random
$500 bonuses and other prizes… we’re going hardcore with a
$10,000 top prize!
So long story short, the prizes are off the hook, the conversion
is going to be incredible, the product is STILL getting tweaks to
make it perfect, and we’re already pumping ammo to our
customer service team to keep your buyers happy.
On top of everything else… we are OBVIOUSLY Going to
reciprocate for those of you that support. We’re all about
paying it forward so let us know what we can do to help you!
Feel free to send us banners for the members area and anything
else we can do for you… feel free to send us an email at ANY time.
Travis Stephenson + Kris McCarty : Instant Online Paycheck
JV Invite
See you there! Can’t wait to see this thing take off, but again…
it will only be as great as we hope if you all support so PLEASE
sign up so we can keep you up to date.
Travis Stephenson + Kris McCarty
Buzz Builders
Eben Pagan + JV Manager Megan Lara – Self Made Wealth – JV Invite
Launched Just This Past Monday, January 24th 2011
Our all-new “Self-Made WEALTH” pre-launch is just
underway. Just making sure that you have the details
and key dates on your calendar.
Right now, Eben is working on the biggest pre-launch
prize ever – and a monster launch prize list as well.
We’ll let you know about those, ASAP…
So mark your calendar now:
>Wednesday, January 5th: Pre-Launch starts, first
PDF report and video released
>Wednesday, January 12th: 2nd PDF report and
video released
>Wednesday, January 19th: 3rd PDF report and
video released
>Monday, January 24th: Cart Opens – LAUNCH
Over the past week, Eben’s been adding bonuses and
content to the program, and we’re confident that
this one will be our biggest pre-launch and launch
so far.
The combination of money training and business
training is a pre-tested winner, and this package is
the best we’ve ever seen in the space.
To register as a Partner …
Michael Fountain – Nichevertiser – JV Invite
Launched Just This Past Tuesday, January 25th 2011
(^^ Please Note Launch Date Change – Mike ^^)
My name is Michael Fountain. I’m a developer (10+ years),
a serial entrepreneur (4 companies with 2 exits),
and I worked my ass off to get this to you today!
I was recently interviewed by Yaro Starak on “How To
Start A Software Company And Exit At The Top: Interview
With Michael Fountain, Co-Founder Of ModernBill –
Acquired by Parallels”
In 2009, I built the backend of Backupify.com when it
was just a sketch on a napkin.
In 2008, I sold my software company to Parallels, Inc.
for lots of money & stock. Go Parallels!
In 2006, I was a regional finalist for the Earnest &
Young Entrepreneur of the Year award.
In 2000, I worked at Amazon.com and launched the Camera
& Photo store, the Home & Garden Store, & the Toys Store.
But more recently, I’ve managed the backend of several
$100,000+ weekend launches for Ultrawellness, Inc., an
IM client of mine who specializes in the health industry.
I have been consulting as the chief strategy officer for
a fortune 500 company who specializes in outsourcing for
the last two years.
I just successfully re-launched HiveDesk.com with my
current business parter @ Scalable-Ventures.com.
And now I’m turning my sights on writing kick ass tools
for the IM industry…
Ok, now that we have that out of the way…let’s get
down to business.
I’m launching a new software product that helps you,
me, and many others like us finally put all of those
parked domains we own to good use …
Brandon Scott (With Desmond Ong) – Auto Cash Hijack – JV Invite
Launch Day Is TODAY Thursday, January 27th 2011
I know you’re busy so let me just cut to
the chase…
If you are looking for a launch to promote
that fits these criteria:
– High EPC
– High, proven conversion
– Proven, low refund rate
– Happy customers who appreciate you
for sending them over
– Long term continuity commission
Then, I have a launch that I want to introduce
to you …
My last launched paid out almost $60,000 in just
one week to JVs and our top JV banked
in over $14k in just 4 days!
Auto Cash Hijack launch is a winner and every
one of my JV partners who promoted my
last launch know this…
We already have some of the big boys on board like
Mike Auton, Jani G., Dylan Loh, Paul Liburd, Steven Lee
Jones, Matt Benwell, Mark Shay, Imran S & Kieran Gill,
Winter Valko, Corey Lewis and many more!
I will see you on the other side…
Daniel Tan – SEO Business Box – JV Invite
Pre-Launch Commenced Tuesday, January 25th 2011
Launch Day: Tuesday, February 1st 2011
Mike Lantz of WarriorPlus called me “the MOST successful
WSO seller” he’s ever worked with. If you’ve spent any
amount of time on the Warrior Forum, you’ll know that’s
nothing to sneeze at!
Marlon Sanders had this to say about SEOPressor, my most
recent product:
“Bro, congratulations on another winner! You are certainly
up and coming superstar! Look out Internet Marketing!”
Basically, when it comes to SEO, I know what I’m talking
about I am running an SEO business making 5 figures
every single month.
So what’s SEO Business Box, exactly?
SEO Business Box is a real deal, showing people how I
make 5 figures every month running SEO business!
It is my experience talk, a course from my heart. It reveals
all the secrets I have about ranking a site to #1 in Google,
all my secrets of managing and growing a business and all
my insights on outsourcing and managing the delegations.
It is a hard-hitter, heavy and intensive course. Anyone
having their hands on this course will be able to start an
SEO business right off making few thousands every month,
This stuff ain’t theory – it’s stuff that’s practical and easily
implementable. These are all “My Walks”.
I’ve got mountains of raving reviews on file, which will be
showcased one by one on our proven-23%-conversion
salescopy. This time will be no different, and that’s why I
know your subscribers will LOVE this.
Alright, let’s talk money for a second.
Front-end: $77
Upsell: $97
Downsell: $67
You’ll get 50% across the board – that’s up to $87 per sale.
During my test launch, I saw 23% conversions and a $4.93
EPC. That’s right, over 1 in 5 bought, and every click was
worth almost five bucks! A total of 1,203 copies were sold
within 18 hours, I then, closed it.
And this was all done without a pre-launch or any partners
at all! It is all by myself …
Sean Donahoe – Video Marketing GoldMine – JV Invite
Pre-launch Begins TODAY Thursday, January 27th 2011*
Launch Day: Thursday, February 10th 2011
(^^Please Note – Prelaunch Date Change – Mike^^)
Sean Donahoe has partnered up with Anik
Singal and Team to consult and direct
the whole launch, so as you all know, expect
an amazing buzz and solid launch.
It has converted very well in our testing with
LOW REFUNDS and we’ve even dropped the
price down to help conversions even more.
Expect a killer sales page/video with
recent and LIVE testimonials from current
students that are already enrolled.
The product is about Video Marketing. During
prelaunch, Sean demonstrates in a 5 day
campaign- which is RECENT and LIVE (still
to be found on YouTube) how he is able to
use one of the various strategies to make
up to $1000 in the first week after 1 hour of
Price will be $497 with 50% Commission.
And of course we have PRIZES! LOTS AND
LOTS OF PRIZES! $40k worth to be exact.
We’ll be giving away some AMAZING prizes for both
prelaunch and launch day, so get on board and
let’s start 2011 with a BANG!
Any questions, please go to the JV page …
Melford + Concetta Bibens – Ultimate Cash Blueprint- JV Invite
Pre-Launch Begins: Thursday, February 3rd 2011*
Launch Day: Thursday, February 10th 2011*
(^Revised Launch Dates^ – As Of 01/13/2011 – Mike)
We’ve been working around the clock to make this
product something your list will go bonkers over…
it’s called Ultimate Cash Blueprint and like our
recent high price packages (which converted like
wildfire), it’s going to be the best IM training folks
can get anywhere…
Plus… we’ve hired the hottest copywriter in IM,
Kevin Rogers and his team to write and direct the
entire launch. You’ve seen what they did with
Mobile Monopoly, Deadbeat Superaffiliate and
many more this year, so you should expect
righteous EPCs for this launch!
We have our usual cast of characters ready to knock
it out of the park on this launch…
Mo Latif, Tom Bell, Chris McNeeney, Steve Iser
Letian Liu, Cindy Batte, Jay Deiboldt, Imran Sadiq,
Tim Bekker, Gary Ambrose, Shawn Casey, Rob
Benwell, Oli Tee, Matt Benwell, Steven Johnson,
Cindy Battye, Justin Blake, Jay Deiboldt, Imran
Sadiq, Tim Bekker, Glen Hopkins, Alen Sultanic,
Javan Robinson, Matt Bacak, Dan Briffa, Lanty Paul,
Jeff Paul, Paul Liburd (sense a trend?) Jonny Andrews,
Steven Lee Jones, Mark Shay, Bill McRea, Hollis Carter,
Fabian Tan, Alvin Huang, Jerome Chapman, Corey
Lewis, Desmond Ong, Mike Long, Ryan Deiss, Reed
Floren, Mick Moore, Ryan Bessling, Edmund Loh,
Charles Kirkland, Simon Cad, Paul Ponna, Eric
Rockefeller, Michael Beeson, Jason Gazaway, Jani G,
Michael Edwards, Chris Cobb, John Hostler, Hitesh
Juneja, Greg Wood, Adeel and Bobby, Alan Magliocca,
Marc Lindsay, Ian Ross, Reed Floren, Antonio Guiditta
(funniest accent in IM), Adam Horwitz & Tim Donavan
Eric Rockefeller, Huey Lee, Harris Fellman, Jeff Mills,
Craig Davidson, Michael Jones, Travis Stephenson
Fabian Tan, & Paul Walker…
… and who knows who else might have a swing by to
make a pile of dough!
So in a nutshell:
Yep…UCB is going to convert like fire!
Yep…you’ll make fat cash with a 60% payout!
Yep…You’ll get over-the-top support from us!
Yep…There will be huge JV cash prizes!
Yep…We want to you to send us your bonuses so YOU
can make sales for your own products off of our launch!!
Etch this date in stone…or at least write in your calendar
right now…
George Brown – Google Sniper 2.0 – JV Invite
Pre-Launch Begins: Friday, February 4th 2011
Launch Day: Monday, February 14th 2011
And after 3 consecutive 7 figure Clickbank
launches I’m looking to make this launch
my absolute biggest ever…
The original Google Sniper was CB #1
for 5 weeks straight and has sold over
10,000 copies…
It was one of the best converting and
highest quality products to ever hit CB.
And now, finally, just over a year since
its release, I’m proud to *finally* announce
the sequel.
Bigger and better in just about every way.
Google Sniping is now easier and more powerful
than ever, and I’ve made massive additions to
the overall system which people are going to LOVE.
OK. The products wonderful but as always, it
doesn’t stop there.
$67 front end, optional continuty, full upsell/
downsell tree etc AND…
This is the best sales letter I’ve ever
wrote. Period. And when my last launch had
AVERAGE EPC(across ALL traffic) of: $3.15
You can bet you’re going to make a fortune
again here.
Also, I’ve got what’s without a doubt the
most crazy prizes I’ve ever cooked up.
And I promise that the trip will be the absolute
trip of a lifetime for anyone who makes the top #3.
Let the madness begin
Steve Iser – Commission Crusher – JV Invite
Launch Day: Tuesday, February 15th 2011 @ 2PM EST
Here’s what’s going on:
I’m coming to Clickbank with one of the
first huge launches of 2011… with
many, many heavy hitters already on board
and committed to send monstrous amounts
of traffic.
And I want to have your support and commitment
on board for this launch as well – and here’s
You, along with just some of these committed
heavy-hitters will be on board this launch for
cold hard cash:
Shawn Casey, Mo Latif, Matt Bacak, Alen Sultanic,
Zac McGrath, Philip Mansour, Melford Bibens,
Steven Johnson, Dylan Loh, Letian Liu, Jeff Dedrick,
Jeff Alderson, just to name a few… (and many,
many more).
We’re split-testing the offer and have a KILLER
copywriter on board, Mike Williams (Massive Passive
Profits) so you know that if you promoted that
offer, then this will be another sure-fire winner
EPC-wise for you.
To find out about Commission Crusher, the cash
prizes over $15,000, and everything else,
just see the exclusive invite page below …
It’s a proven winner that’ll add HUGE commissions
to your Clickbank bottomline.
Go and sign up now – and I’ll be in touch with
you personally soon.
Let’s CRUSH it!
Pawan Agrawal – MaxBlogPress Subscribers Magnet Relaunch – JV Invite
Pre-launch Begins: Tuesday, February 8th 2011
Launch Day: Tuesday, February 15th 2011
I know you’re anxious for the details, but before I
get to the details, I want to give you a little
background on who I am, in case you haven’t heard of
I’m Pawan Agrawal the founder of MaxBlogPress.com.
We at MaxBlogPress develop softwares for bloggers and
internet marketers to help them generate extra cash
and traffic.
Some of our well known WordPress plugins are Max
Banner Ads, stripe ads, Ping Optimizer, Ninja
Affiliate, Subscribers Magnet.
Okay. Cutting to the chase …
What’s MaxBlogPress Subscribers Magnet is all about?
As you are an Internet Marketer/Blogger, you know that
building a list is not an option, it is mandatory to
build a list if you want to run a long term profitable
online business.
But the old school methods for building your list has
expired. You need new strategies and tools to build
your list in this changing internet marketing world.
This is where MaxBlogPress Subscribers Magnet comes in.
“MaxBlogPress Subscribers Magnet” is a wordpress
plugin which uses multiple hit strategy to “hit” your
blog visitors from multiple angles and “remind” them
to join your list. This is the most proactive, non
intrusive strategy you can use to boost your
subscription rate, with the same amount of traffic –
without being obnoxious or irritating visitors!
Why should you get onboard for Subscribers Magnet
Relaunch? …
Rob Rammuny – Point Copy Profit – JV Invite
Launch Day: Wednesday, February 16th 2011
Through my research I have found that 90% of our target
– Doesn’t Want to have to have a website
– Doesn’t want to spend any more money after purchasing
– Doesn’t want some “SOFTWARE” that (since they are now
pitched a new one everyday practically) they know DOESNT
90% of your Subscribers list wants EXACTLY THIS:
—Something that they can do for 30 minutes after work
(3 times a week) and then not think about it anymore and
it creates perceptual long term income and if we want to
hit this MASS MARKET and earn REAL Money, then we
need to address this need, like I have done in Point Copy
Profit which EXACTLY:
– Gives them a working strategy to start making money
– This strategy requires NO WEBSITE, NO INVESTMENT,
NO EXPERIENCE and can be implemented in under 30
minutes to start them making money.
It is a total no-brainer. And it is the SAME System that I
used to earn more money than my high school teachers at
the age of 15. How is that for Proof!
Everyday new guys come and try to break into this
lucrative IM industry, but just don’t understand the
“ropes” and how things really work. I know that I am
the “new guy” so I have enlisted the best 5-STAR help
that money could buy.
My personal Mentor is Aaron Darko, (of Push Button
Money Success), he will be working alongside me on
this launch (in the WAR ROOM with me) to make sure
that everything is correctly in place.
I have also INVESTED my own money to hire the BEST
Copy-writing TEAM in the Industry. Last month, at one
point they held the #1 #2 and #3 position on Clickbank.
They are definitely not cheap, nor easy to schedule,
but Aaron was able to pull some strings.and we got
them to move people around to get this in.
They are very excited about this letter and my story
+ expect this to have #1 conversions across the board
Here is your link to signup …
Rick Thomas – Extreme Wealth Mechanism – JV Invite
Pre-Launch Begins: Thursday, February 17th 2011
Launch Day: Monday, February 21st 2011
We’ve got a lot of big hitters getting on this
thing with us…
The reason:
I always go out of my way to help those
who help me.
I have been backing my partners greatly for
the past months and now we are all super
excited to make this launch a killer!
You can be sure that your efforts will be
rewarded with huge paychecks and with all
of the support possible you could get from
me with any of your future projects.
Just a FEW of the names already on board
for this are Imran Sadiq, Michael Jones,
Alvin Huang & Joel, Dan Brock, Michael Gentry,
Tim Bekker, Simon Cad, Jesse Regan,
Kelvin Houghton, Melford Bibens, Merlin
Holmes, Bob Beckett, Charles & Phillip Mutrie,
Robert Phillips, Marc Black, Randi Goodman,
Debra Hogan and MANY many more…
The product itself is COMPLETELY unique and
is guaranteed to result in extremely low
refunds, which means you get to keep all
of the money and sales that you EARNED
and deserve.
The sales page and sales copy have been
getting tweaked for over a month now and
we still have a month worth of testing
before the big day hits!
So basically:
This is a high quality product, with an
amazing sales page, amazing upsells, great
backing, and a sales funnel that is
going to GUARANTEE you a huge paycheck!
Let’s kill this one guys.
Here is my info for contact …
James Delong – Traffic Bums – JV Invite
Launch Day: Monday, February 21st 2011
In case you haven’t heard of me before, I’ve been around
a block or two with online marketing. I’ve earned my dues
and worked along side some of the biggest name marketers
around in the IM niche. I’ll have these guys backing me up
for this Birthday Launch of mine. (I would launch on Tuesday
but Monday is my special day and I want to share it with you)
This launch will have tons of buzz and if you’re smart you will
start making your own bonuses and such now, so people will
buy from your link because they are going to snatch this up fast.
I’ve already started to test the sales letter and the recent
test conversions are bananas!
Big Boys On Board
You and many more. (I am not going to name drop here,
if you know me then you know my friends and they are loyal
and will promote)
So what is the Traffic Bums? (TB)
Pure traffic love! It’s the building blocks for any level of
marketer looking to build a business from core methods of
traffic generating tactics. TB is 6 pdf and video training modules
along with a jam packed membership site with even more techniques.
I’m looking forward to working with you.
I want to thank you again in for going over this, and
The Traffic Bums is going to crush it on ClickBank with your help.
Be prepared for the easiest cash you will ever make “period” …
John Hostler + Steven Rounds – Profit Siege – JV Invite
Launch Day: Tuesday, February 22nd 2011 @ 11AM EST
How many of the ‘biggest launches of 2011’ are you gonna
get on board with?
How about the most controversial launch of 2011?
We all know controversy sells, and my partner Steven Rounds
is bringing the controversy big time.
Steven, a former PayPal employee responsible for the software
that decides which users get their PayPal accounts limited is
about to become the most hated and polarizing person in IM.
The top marketers that we’ve shared this story with (and the
copy hook) are literally jealous, because this offer will tear it
Throw in a KILLER product, including software that costs us
tens of thousands to create and you have a highly anticipated
launch that will CRUSH it…
… bottom line…
Get in and get paid.
We’re literally pouring out the commissions so that you can expect
up to $170 per customer – PLUS a recurring commission that will
explode your EPC.
We’re not stopping with crazy commissions either – during the
7 day launch contest starting February 22nd at 11AM and ending
on February 28th at 11:59 PM EST we’ll be handing out $10,000
in cold hard cash prizes.
And of course you can expect mini-contests and other money
making tomfoolery throughout the launch.
When you join us in the Profit Siege launch, you’re getting behind
a launch that everyone in this space will be talking about…
You’ll get high EPC… crazy conversions… recurring commissions…
sweet stick rate… and on top of all that…
Dave Nayavich + Darren Salkeld – Income Infuser – JV Invite
Pre-Launch Commenced Thursday, January 13th 2011
Launch Day: Thursday, February 24th 2011*
(^^ Please Note Launch Date Change … – Mike ^^)
On Thursday, February 24th 2011 – Income Infuser Goes Live!
This is already setting up to be one of the biggest
ClickBank launches to ever take place.
We’ve got some sick case-studies and a value heavy
pre-launch in place that is going to throw the EPC
into over drive come launch day.
Income Infuser is a very tight wealth building training
and membership portal powered by Kajabi.
You will earn on the front end, plus upsells and you
will have a proven residual income model feeding
you commissions month after month after month.
You’re exclusively invited to join the Income Infuser
launch and join in both the pre-launch and the official
launch contests.
With OVER $20,000 in Cash up for grabs on a high
converting model, you need to lock in right now!
*** You can expect to make up to $250 per customer
PLUS $50/mo residual commissions from ClickBank ***
Go to the JV Invite page and lock in now.
We have a kick-ass JV blog set up which will keep you
fully up to date and provide you with super high
converting promo tools.
Direct Response Copywriting Guru’s, Kevin Rogers and
Benjamin Johnson are penning EVERY word of the sales
copy, the upsells, the downsells, and the JV Promos!
…You know this WILL convert like crazy, so lock in
and make 2011 your best year ever by starting out
with HUGE conversions, commissions and prizes!
Raam Anand – Site Launch System – JV Invite
Pre-launch Begins: Thursday, March 3rd 2011
Launch Day: Thursday, March 10th 2011
Raam Anand here, creator of “Site Launch System”. SLS
is a 12-DVD home study course, pre-launches on Mar 3rd.
Launch on Mar 10th and cart closes on Mar 16th. All you
need to do is giveaway 3 high-value FREE videos and I’ll
take care of everything else. This is your opportunity to
earn $1000 commission checks for every sale!
This is a video-based launch and I’ll be giving away lots of
super high-value free content, right off the bat. It’s like
saying… “if you liked the free videos, you’ll definitely love
the course”. This is going to be a MEGA launch, hosted on
KAJABI and uses 1ShoppingCart for tracking.
Watch video and signup here …
Dean Holland, Daniel Owens, Paul Liburd + Antonio Giuditta,
Aaron Darko, Jacobo Benitez, Brian G. Johnson, Tejinder
Dhillon, Harry Charles, Alex Shelton + Warren Kennedy, Mike
Merz + Mike Merz Jr., Marcus Campbell, Jani G + Alex Malave,
Mark Dulisse, Steven Johnson, Ryan Moran, Edmund Loh + other
fellow JVNotifyPro partners are waiting in the wings … keep
your eyes on your Inbox, and follow the action in the archives:
“Hey, Mike … I really appreciate the combination of Fellow
Partner + Popular JV Invites you offer in the JVNP Update,
but how can I get on board Popular JV launches that are
available to get on board but didn’t make the latest mailing
like the highly anticipated offerings from Michael Cheney,
Michael Jones, Tom Lucas, Shawn Casey + Tom Bell, Dylan
Loh, Edmund Loh + Tony Sanders, Jacobo Benitez, Stomper
Net, Deep Walia, Wayne Miller, Ray Johnson, Matt Carter,
Jeff Alderson + Mo Latif and others?”
JV Notify Pro JV Launch Calendar
JV Notify Pro JV Announcement Blogs
JV Notify Pro New Product Launches – January 2011
JV Notify Pro Partner JV Offers And Profiles
JV Notify Pro Partner Co-Promotion Proposal Announcements
Submit Your Joint Venture Marketing Articles
Remember my JV Marketing Golden Rule …
“Get behind your partner’s launches as passionately as
you’d like your partners to get behind yours …”
Do YOU have a new product or service launch coming
up that you’d like to invite your fellow JV Notify Pro
partners to get behind”
Note: That DOESN’T mean ‘I found your name in the
search engines’, ‘read about you in a forum’, ‘was
referred to you by So and So’, etc., decided it was
perfectly appropriate to run right to JV Notify Pro,
register, and request a premium mailing … all in 15
It means you’ve been a JV Notify Pro partner that has
actually contributed to the community, and is willing to
wait your turn … it’s not about you, it’s about US.
Please read this thread before you request a mailing …
That’s All, Folks!
To OUR Success,
Mike Merz
RSS – http://jointventures.jvnotifypro.com/feed/
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mailings, not the Spam button.
The JV offers run in this newsletter and archived on
JVNotifyPro.Com express the opinions of the partners
that have presented them to us … and are not those
of Mike Merz, nor Internet Marketing For Newbies LLC.
Participate at your own risk.
Either Mike Merz or Internet Marketing For Newbies LLC
may be paid a fee by the merchants offering JV invitations
for sales made by partners referred into their respective
programs via JVNotifyPro.com. The fee is simply referral
compensation, and does not represent either Mike Merz
or Internet Marketing For Newbies LLC being involved
in a business relationship with merchants using this
service beyond that of JV announcement and referral,
aside from constructive advice offered on a merchant
request basis in regards to best utilizing the services
offered by JVNotifyPro.com. The publicly accessible
version of the JVNotifyPro Update posted on the blog
at jointventures.jvnotifypro.com may include affiliate
links that should result when purchased through in
compensation for either Mike Merz or Internet Marketing
For Newbies LLC for the sale as an affiliate partner … with
no further association to the merchant existing unless
otherwise mentioned.
JV Notify Pro Updates are generally mailed twice a week
… on Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday, with an
occasional Saturday edition when either there is a back
log, I screw up … or both. It is done this way to satisfy
the many premium mailing requests, while still respecting
your Inboxes by not over doing it. Thanks for your support.
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