We have a long awaited JV invite from none other than
the ‘Kings Of ClickBank’, themselves … Chris and Ken X
(the Day Job Killer Team), Buzz Builders, and more … in
today’s must read and react edition.
->> Google Assassin Club <<-
Many of you may have heard of Chris “X”, the author of Day
Job Killer and Affiliate Project X …
The last time Chris launched a guide of his own was Day Job
Killer back in February of this year. I was involved in the
launch, and was very impressed with the marketing involved.
And here’s why… Day Job Killer sold over 9,000 copies in its
first week, breaking the previous ClickBank sales record Chris
had set with his own Project X guide a few months earlier.
One affiliate even bought a brand new BWM convertible with
his earnings just from launch day!
So, you can imagine anything Chris brings out, I strongly
advise my top affiliates to get behind.
Well,… Chris is back again with a SEQUEL to the
fastest-selling e-book ever, under the Day Job Killer brand
(just in case you thought it would be anything other than
**But** time is of the essence: launch is only a few days
away though – this Tuesday November 20th.
==> JV Notify Pro Partners … ONLY.
And the best news is that this time the product is a
membership site, meaning you can promote this ONCE and
get paid for months to come.
The price point is $67/month with an additional $47
up-sell – and affiliates are paid out 60% RECURRING income
on BOTH. Chris expects the average referral to be worth
$100+ for his affiliates. And the way his sales copy tends
to convert, you should be getting paid many times over
His last release grossed just under $1 million in its first
week, with affiliates taking the lion’s share of that figure.
If you have an internet marketing list, and a free slot,
you need to get behind this on Tuesday
Go ahead and check out the details
==> ==> JV Notify Pro Partners … ONLY.
And don’t say I didn’t warn you about this one!
– Mike For Chris and Ken, The DJK Team
Buzz Builders
Alex Goad – Google Payload – W/ Chris ‘X’
The dream team that brought you Click Bank #1 Best
Seller ‘Project Black Mask’ is at it again. Already #1 on
ClickBank. Launched Tuesday, November 13th … and
going strong.
Will Haimerl – PPC-Coach.com JV Invite
Will’s PPC coaching program has already attracted the
likes of Gauher Chaudhry and other big PPC dogs. See
what all the hub bub is about.
Jaime Mintun – The Training Grounds JV Invite
Find out why experts like Stompernet speaker/coach
David Bullock, Jon Walker (Jeff’s brother), and David
Garfinkel are behind it 100%. Not to be missed …
launches on November 27th.
Alok Jain – Project Quick Cash JV Invite
The creator of Viral Profit Machine, Two Minute Profits,
On Demand Profits, Silent Profit Machine and other popular
websites, Alok Jain takes it to another level on Thursday,
November 29th … don’t miss the chance to get in early.
The BOA Method JV Invite – Lisa Diane & Mike Antoni
This dynamic duo promises to create a buzz-worthy
launch that will leave your pockets full of cash and your
buyers raving fans. Pre-launch begins November 23rd
with a controversial report, followed by 4 fr.ee videos
taken from their sold out $5K/person Idea To Income
Workshop …
Mark Jenney, Erum Munir, Dave Isaacs & Aaron Leighton,
Mark Ling, Ewen Chia, Reed Floren, Declan Dunn, Nick
Temple and other fellow JV Notify Pro partners are
waiting in the wings … keep your eyes on your Inbox,
and follow the action in the archives:
What’s Happening @ JV Notify Pro?
JV Notify Pro Partner JV Offers And Profiles
JV Notify Pro Partner Co-Promotion Proposal Announcements
Remember my JV Marketing Golden Rule …
“Get behind your partner’s launches as passionately as
you’d like your partners to get behind yours …”
Do YOU have a new product or service launch coming
up that you’d like to invite your fellow JV Notify Pro
partners to get behind?
Note: That DOESN’T mean ‘I found your name in the
search engines’, ‘read about you in a forum’, ‘was
referred to you by So and So’, etc., decided it was
perfectly appropriate to run right to JV Notify Pro,
register, and request a premium mailing … all in 15
It means you’ve been a JV Notify Pro partner that has
actually contributed to the community, and is willing to
wait your turn … it’s not about you, it’s about US.
Please read this thread before you request a mailing …
That’s All, Folks!
To OUR Success,
Mike Merz
RSS – http://jointventures.jvnotifypro.com/feed/
JV Notify Pro Updates are generally mailed twice a week
… on Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday, with an
occasional Saturday edition when either there is a back
log, I screw up … or both. It is done this way to satisfy
the many premium mailing requests, while still respecting
your Inboxes by not over doing it. Thanks for your support.
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Technorati – google assassin chris mcneeney day job killer lisa diane mike antoni the boa method will haimerl ppc coach jaime mintun the training grounds google payload alex goad chris mcneeney alok jain project quick cash new product launches joint ventures internet marketing Technorati Profile